Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Given up

I have to say that I have been thinking a lot about blogging lately. Since my last post was December of 2010, there is proof that I have been thinking and not DOING. I don't know, I have conflicting emotions. I love reading blogs. It gives me an up-close & personal feeling about people I don't even know. My problem is I love reading blogs, not sharing blogs. I think it is a malfunction in my brain. Even as a child, I would write a journal entry, then rip it out and throw it away. I was unsure of my purpose in blogging. I was intimidated by blogs that were affecting the world, that were interactive with people, that had purpose, meaning. However, I still felt I had something to say, to share. While my blog may not be very consistent, while the topics may be scattered to the wind, while it will most likely be full of grammatical and punctuation errors, it is still mine. So, I am not going to give up, I am going to just keep on keeping on.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Keep on keeping on... that's all we can do, Eve. As with everything else, we have to stop comparing ourselves (and our blogs)to everyone else around us, realize we have a unique purpose in life (and in blogging) and just go ahead as God leads. We might never know how one shared thought was used by God to impact another life.