Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Nearly a year

To say I have been in a blog funk would be quite the understatement. Several times in the past month, I would think "maybe I could blog about that" but I never did. My blog doesn't really have a plan / a purpose. I LOVE reading blogs; adoption blogs, missionary blogs, cooking blogs, marriage blogs. However, they all seem to have a purpose. Lately life has been overwhelming. I don't want my blog to be a place to vent (aka whine) about my frustrations. And lately, so it seems, would be what I have to share. Yet, I don't want to delete the blog so I must think eventually I'll have something useful to say, right? Maybe. I have decided that I'm just going to attempt it again. No labels, no pressure, no setting out to save the world with my knowledge opinions. We'll see how it goes - maybe if I prove myself, I'll get 5 followers instead of 4! ;)

1 comment:

Enjoying Life Together said...

Here's a thought...If we don't know what's going on, we don't know what to pray. Chances are there's someone else feeling the same way you are. Hugs from TN!!