Friday, July 22, 2011

Dietary Changes

If you were to ask me if we had poor eating habits, I would so no. We are not as super healthy as some not nearly as bad as some others. I would say we fall somewhere in the middle. However, for the past several weeks, we (I) have been trying to make some subtle changes in our diet. I am not home enough to go all out - no processed food, no sugar, etc. But I wanted to make just a few changes - no juice, no soda & no sweetened cereals. Just overall, cut down on carbs & sugar. No absolutes, just cut back. Oh my goodness. I had no idea people under my charge would buck me at every turn. I had no idea that sugar is snuck into so many things! Drinking mainly water has been one of the biggest complaints. My kids don't drink soft drinks very often, but they would drink koolaid & juice 90% of the time. In addition to this, we started a supplement regimen. The supplements are EXPENSIVE! However, I do feel as though everyone could benefit from the 3 month regimen. The problem is, I have no idea what I am doing. I have read, I have studied, I still come up empty. Some of the things I would consider more "healthy" actually have as many (sometimes more) sugar and carb count than the item I replaced. I don't like unknowns. We are on week three and some days (like today) I think "is it worth it"? How bad could 3 cups of koolaid REALLY be compared to my sanity? Yet, I hear this small voice that reminds myself why I decided to try this in the first place. Really, it is no different than making them do their math, making them clean their room, etc. Oh, but it would be SO much easier! Three weeks down - 9 more to go!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Stick to your guns. It is hard, but you are wise to make small changes, and they really will stop fussing after a while. I'm convinced that the things we put in our bodies affect way more than we realize. You're doing a good thing.